Tuesday, September 05, 2006

According to a report in the newspaper today, reserach has shown that sex is good for you.

Then again, I’ve been telling women this for years, but they just won’t listen. ~sigh~

According to this research, not only is sex fun, but a vigorous workout beneath the sheets will help you shed weight, and can also help ward off colds, heart disease, and depression.

Surprisingly, it can even lower your blood pressure.

This has all been discovered by Stuart Brody, professor of psychology at the University of Paisley in Scotland. This guy decided that research should be fun, and looked at sexual activity and changes in blood pressure when volunteers were stressed by being asked to speak in public or do mental arithmetic.

The mind boggles! Did this Brody guy get the subjects to speak in public and then rush back stage for a bit of nookie? Or did they do everything on stage?

This all raises interesting questions. For example, when you have sex in such a way that it raises your blood pressure and stress levels, such as on-stage or when being filmed for an adult version of New Zealand Idol, if the act of sex lowers blood pressure and stress levels, does this mean that when it’s public sex, it all cancels itself out? So you end up no better off?

Whatever, it's obvious that a bit of quiet non-public nookie has many advantages. Not the least of which is you’re less self-conscious about things like the pimple on your posterior.

The importance of this latest research, though, is that it reveals that not only does sex lower your stress levels and give you healthy blood pressure levels, but also that the effects can last for at least a week

One good bit of nookie on the Saturday, and you’re set until the following Saturday. This is so much more effective and much more fun than going to the gym. And the press-ups seem so much easier to do, as well.

This being the case, my fertile mind sees an opportunity to establish a new health and fitness business that taps sex for its health benefits.

While there are already some rather tacky sex businesses out there, they are really only in the business of entertainment, and not focused on the health benefits.

I see an opportunity here for a serious business of health-promotion through nookie. One that uses the services of dedicated personal trainers. What do you mean, with or without whips? We are not getting into alternative medicine, thank you!

But please don’t tell your local brothel owner about my idea. He’s sure to steal it and do something tacky like advertise: “Let our girls lower your blood pressure while raising everything else.”

Then again, do I really want to get into the sex business? It's a tough business. The sort of business where a man would have to be really hard to get anywhere.

No, I think I’ll just moonlight. I’ll just selflessly provide my assistance to a special lady and, with pure angelic kindness on my part, help her gain all the health benefits that are lying there waiting.

That's it. The perfect seducton ploy. Just convince a lady that you are just a delightful form of health insurance.

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