Tuesday, October 03, 2006

At the moment I am not performing too well, since I am being attacked by some nasty bugs.

In fact, I've felt so bad these last few days that yesterday I actually went and saw the doctor. He cheerfully told me that prostate infections are notoriously hard to get rid of and patients often gets relapses - one of which I am suffering from at the moment.

So he has put me onto the antibiotic equivalent of a small atomic bomb and I should be either cured or buried in no time flat!

The result is that these antibiotics are now having a major skirmish with the bugs in my system and I feel like the battlefield! I'm just worried that they're going to start digging trenches in me soon!

Whatcha mean, "Typical! Men are always terrible patients"?) I'll have you know, I'm really sick here. I can't even hold my Playboy steady. Then again, can you? Er ... we won't go there.

I mean, it's so bad that I dropped the lid of my brand new two-cup teapot and broke it! Aaaaaaaargh. Do you know what trouble I had finding that teapot?! Now I'm going to have to go turn Inside Out inside out to find a new one.

Or maybe I'll just go to the Wharehouse. Oh, this is all too much for a sick bachelor. I think I'll just turn to drink.


But seriously, don't worry about me. ~sob sob~ I'm just looking for sympathy. I mean, it's terrible when you have a bug that you can't pass on!


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